CEFLEX launches open consultation to refine guidelines

An open consultation has been launched by the Circular Economy for Flexible Packaging (CEFLEX) initiative to refine phase one of the ‘Designing for a Circular Economy Guidelines’, before publication in the first quarter of 2020.

After input and feedback from hundreds of CEFLEX stakeholders, the consultation is now seeking the views of the wider flexible packaging industry and has given it and other interested parties until 17 January 2020 to make their thoughts known.

This first edition of the guidelines focuses on the largest proportion of the post-consumer flexible packaging waste stream, which is polyolefin-based flexible packaging structures. Second and further phases will target more complex packaging structures and specific areas under consideration, including chemical recycling, re-use and reduction.

The guidelines aim to make packaging suitable for collection, sorting and recycling after use – giving clarity to brand owners, retailers, converters and others in the value chain and a clear roadmap for recycling infrastructure.

CEFLEX is a collaboration of more than 140 European companies, associations and organisations representing the entire value chain of flexible packaging.

All non-CEFLEX stakeholders can give their feedback at CEFLEX.eu