With the shift towards a low carbon economy well underway, injection moulding machinery supplier Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is giving manufacturers the power to reduce their energy consumption by launching a new testing service.
The machinery maker has invested in three Fluke energy monitoring devices to extend this service. Plugging the tool into existing machines, including legacy and competitor moulding systems, the company conducts the energy tests on-site using a real production scenario.
Calculating the energy used in kilowatts for each kilogram of raw material converted, the team then provides the customer with a credible comparison if they were to purchase a newer Sumitomo (SHI) Demag machine.
“Most of the time customers are looking for the justification to switch from a hydraulic machine to all-electric,” explained technical manager Nick Stockton. “But equally, the report can flag to customers changes to the process that they can adopt to reduce energy consumption on their existing injection moulding fleet.”
The comparative data enabled packaging converter McLaren Plastics to secure a local grant to help fund its investment in two Sumitomo (SHI) Demag IntElect2 50-tonne machines. The company explained that measurements revealed that each legacy machine was consuming 7.2kw per hour, while the two new machines consume less than 2kw. As a result, McLaren Plastics is now saving more than 58 per cent in energy.
“In addition to examining energy performance, the tests also examine other factors including the parallel movements and the impact of drive cycle times on output. Using too much clamp force, running at full dosing speed and leaving a pump running when the machine’s not operational are all common examples of where energy can be wasted,” added Stockton.
Currently, the UK injection moulding market is spilt 25 per cent electric and 75 per cent hydraulic. For industries where precision is paramount, such as medical devices, the adoption of all-electric machinery has been more rapid. However, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is continuing to extend its IntElect range to cater to the automotive, electronic and packaging sectors.
More information from Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery UK, Accent House, Triangle Business Park, Wendover Road, Stoke Mandeville, Bucks, HP22 5BL, UK. Tel: 44 1296 739 500. Web: uk.sumitomo-shi-demag.eu