Lisa McTigue Pierce
Executive Editor
Member Since: 1999
Publications: Packaging Digest
Lisa is Secretary General of IPPO.
Veteran packaging journalist Lisa McTigue Pierce is the Executive Editor of Packaging Digest, “The Voice of the Packaging Community.”
Pierce joined UBM, now Informa Markets, as Editor of Packaging Digest magazine in 2010 and was promoted to Executive Editor in 2012. She started her packaging media career in 1982 with Package Engineering magazine, a Cahners publication that subsequently changed its name to Packaging. Eleven years and seven promotions later, she resigned as Senior Editor to lead Food & Drug Packaging as its Editor when the magazine was bought by Independent Publishing in 1993. She was promoted to Editor-in-Chief in 1997 and took on the added role of Editorial Director for sister publication Flexible Packaging in 2008 (the same year that Food & Drug Packaging changed its name to Food & Beverage Packaging).
In July 2009, Pierce ventured into a new realm, helping consumer insights leader Iconoculture launch its Global Packaging Advisory Service. During her 15-month stay there, she wrote hundreds of articles that gave clients insight into how and why consumer values and macrotrends influence consumers’ packaging preferences across a variety of markets throughout the world.
Over the years, Pierce has stayed intimately involved and active in the packaging markets:
- She’s a member of several packaging-related trade associations, including the Institute of Packaging Professionals (IoPP). She served on the IoPP Chicago Chapter Board in various capacities from April 2000 to June 2006. She also served as Group Leader for the Cataloging Group of the IoPP Sustainable Packaging Task Force for a year.
- She’s been a featured speaker at many industry events, including meetings for the Closure Manufacturer’s Association, the Institute of Packaging Professionals, the Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute and the Rigid Plastics Packaging Institute.
- She has judged numerous packaging competitions, including the Dow Awards (formerly DuPont Awards), AmeriStar Awards, Flexible Packaging Association Achievement Awards, IoPP’s 48 Hour Repack, the National Association of Container Distributors Packaging Awards and the Tube of the Year Awards.
- She has served in several capacities at the American Society of Business Press Editors (ASBPE): first as National Treasurer in 1997/98 and then as President of the Chicago Chapter in 1998/99.
Anxious to embark on a vocation in writing and publishing (her goal since second grade), Pierce accelerated her high-school education to finish in three years instead of the normal four. After earning an Associate’s degree in English at a local community college with honors, she received a Bachelor’s of Arts degree from Governors State University, a cozy senior college in a south suburb of Chicago, in August of 1982—the same month she started work at Cahners Publishing Co.
Email : ippo.secretarygeneral@gmail.