Mondelēz report reveals the rise of global snacking

Snacking is on the rise across the globe. According to new research by Mondelēz International, almost 60 per cent of adults – and 70 per cent of millennials – prefer to eat many small meals throughout the day, as opposed to a few larger ones.

The company’s first State of Snacking report was conducted in partnership with The Harris Poll. Over six thousand adults in 12 countries were questioned with 77 per cent agreeing that there is space for both healthy bites and more indulgent snacks.

“From millennials in Indonesia, to grandparents in Germany, we gained insight to the daily snacking habits of thousands of people across our markets and confirmed what we have always known to be true: as the complexity of our daily lives deepens, snacking is outpacing mealtime,” said Dirk Van de Put, chairman and chief executive of Mondelēz International.

For many reasons – time, convenience and mental and physical health among them – snacking is becoming integral to how we eat. “A third of us (30 per cent) are so dedicated to our favourite snack that we’d rather give up social media for a month than miss out on enjoying a daily treat,” Van de Put added. Meanwhile, over 70 per cent of those surveyed said that snacking gives them a much needed break in their busy days.